How to launch your site on GoDaddy


If your domain is registered with GoDaddy, you can follow the directions below to launch your BentoBox site on your domain. If your site is hosted with a different registrar, find directions for launching your site here.

1. Sign in to the Domain Manager

Click on “Sign In” at the top right corner of the screen and a dropdown menu will appear. Click the “Manage My Domains” link under “Quick Links” and enter your username and password on the next screen.



2. Select your domain

You will be taken to a list of the domains that you own. Click the one that you’ll be using for your BentoBox site.


3. Open the DNS Zone File & Update the A Record

You will land on the Domain Details page. You should see three tabs on this page, for Settings, DNS Zone File, and Contacts. Click on the DNS Zone File, which is where the settings we need to update live.

The first setting to update is the A (Host) file, or the “A record.” A records, also known as host records, point your domain name an IP address. We will set up the main A record to BentoBox’s IP address so that when users enter your URL they are pointed to the BentoBox site on our server. Don’t worry, visitors won’t see “getbento” in the URL.

Note: For additional support visit GoDaddy's Domains Help here. 


If there is an existing A record with “@“ for its Host value, click the icon to edit it.



Update the IP address to and click the "save” button.

 If you don’t see an A record with “@“ for its Host value, click “Add Record” at the top of the Zone File. Select “A (Host)” from the Record Type dropdown in the dialog that appears. Enter “@“ in the Host field, and for the “Points to” field. Set the TTL to 1/2 hour from the dropdown. TTL is short for “Time To Live.” This is the approximate amount of time it will take for your change to go live. Click "save” button to save the A record.

If there are any existing A records with the Host value of “www” they should be deleted. Click the delete icon next to the A record to remove it.

5. Update the CNAME Record

The next record to update on the Zone File is the CName (Alias) record. CName records point a subdomain to an existing A record so that visitors get pointed to the right place on your website.

  •  If there is an existing CName record with “www” for the Host value, click the icon to edit it. 

  • Change the “Points to” field to and click the “Save” button.

  • Note: for additional support visit GoDaddy's Domains Help here. 


If you don’t see a CName record with “www” for the Host value, click “Add Record” at the top of the Zone File. Select “CNAME (Alias)” from the Record Type dropdown in the dialog that appears. Enter “www” in the Host field and “” in the “Points to” field. Set the TTL to 1/2 hour from the dropdown. Select "Save" to save your new CNAME.

6. Save Changes

Once the changes propagate, your BentoBox site will be live on your domain!


If you have any questions, submit a request or contact your customer success manager.

For GoDaddy Support, click here.