How to add a single location page


Location detail pages are created after there is a Location Box added into Content Boxes. Learn more on how to add a new location box. If you have multiple locations, you can use the Location Listing Page or Store Locator to aggregate all of your locations. Another alternative is to completely skip the overview page, and to instead create a dropdown with all locations. How to add a boxlist navigation.

Once you've created a new Location Box, you will be able to associate other boxes - like menus -  to this specific location.

  1. Go to Content Boxes > Location


  2. Hit Add New to add the new location


  3. Once this is completed, you’ll go to Pages to add the new page


  4. Click Add Page to start creating the page. You'll fill in the fields:

    1. Name: Hours & Location*

    2. Nav: Main Navigation

    3. Nav Item: Page

    4. Template: Single Box: Location

    5. Box: Select the specific location from the dropdown menu


      *suggested name, but you can name this anything you'd like

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