How to set up your store


Accepting payments

In order to set up your store, you’ll need to connect a payment processor to collect payments. BentoBox integrates with Square and Stripe. Both services are PCI compliant and make it easy to securely accept payments online. If your business already uses one of these services, you can connect the same account to BentoBox. Click here to learn how to set up Stripe, or click here to learn how to set up Square

Complete your store settings

Once you’re ready to collect payments, a few more settings need to be set up and you’ll be ready to start selling gift cards, merch, tickets for events, and just about anything else. Learn more about how to set up your store settings.

Without store settings, you will not be able to make a purchase. 

Complete your shipping settings

You will need to complete all shipping settings. The shipping settings set the base for your tax rates. The shipping settings are also used to create  Learn more about how to set up your shipping settings.

Add Products to your Store

It’s easy to set up products in your store. Whether they are items that come in one size or variations like size and color, it can all be managed in the Products section of the BentoBox back end. Learn more about how to add products to your store.