How to Set Up a Custom Fee


Custom Fees give restaurants the ability to assess a flat dollar or percentage amount fee onto every order. This Custom Fee is passed onto diners and can be bundled into a single line-item fee, alongside the BentoBox $0.99 per order fee. 

To set up a Custom Fee, you’ll need to go to your Takeout & Delivery settings under Locations > Manage and scroll down to Service Fee Settings. 

  • Name your Custom Fee. This name will be displayed to diners during checkout!

  • Select whether you want this fee to be flat or a percentage of the subtotal.

  • Choose whether you’d like the fee to be separate from the $.99 BentoBox Service Fee or bundled with it so that diners only see one line item for Fees at checkout as opposed to two separate fees.

  • Switch the toggle if you want sales tax applied to this custom fee.


Custom Fees are a great way to earn marginal revenue on every order and help cover costs like packaging and handling and any incidentals for processing online orders. Custom Fees are also a great way to generate additional revenue that helps support your staff, such as ‘Restaurant Workers’ or ‘Kitchen Living Wage’ fees.

Click here to watch a video on setting up a custom fee for Takeout & Delivery.

For further assistance with this, or anything else BentoBox related, please reach out to our Support team by email at or by phone at (646) 585-5021. 

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