Store Email Notifications
Emails are automatically sent from BentoBox based on the stage of the order. In order to setup those notifications, please go to Store Settings. Within Store Settings, you can customize:
Email to receive a new order notification
Email for a customer to reply to if they need
Confirmation Text
Email to restaurant: New Order Notification
This email comes as soon as a successful product order has been placed. It is sent to a restaurant owner only.
Email to Customer: Order Confirmation
This email is sent to a customer once an order has been placed. This will display in the order section of BentoBox as unfulfilled. For more about about how to manage your orders. This will change based on which product fulfillment method is associated.
Product Fulfillment Method: Shipped
Product Fulfillment Method: Pickup
Product Fulfillment Method: Local Delivery
Email to Customer: Your Order Has Shipped
Once you mark an order as fulfilled this email will automatically send to the customer to notify them that the order has been shipped. This will only occur if the product fulfillment method is marked as shipped.
Email to Customer: Your Order Has a New Refund
When an order has been refunded, a customer will receive a notification that the order has been processed.
NOTE: If your customers or staff have not received any email notifications, please tell them to check their spam or junk folder. If that still persists after they've checked spam, contact ''.