General Settings
NEW! Website Settings Overview
The Website > Settings page allows you to add and make edits to fields that are specific to your website. To get there, navigate to Settings under the...
How to change the favicon
This is the logo that appears on the Browser Tab. To change this, Website > Website Settings. in the left-hand navigation on the site. Click on the + ...
How to add Google Tag Manager
BentoBox integrates with Google Tag Manager in an easier way so that an HTML code does not need to be added to the website's <head>. You'll simply add...
How to add a Facebook Pixel ID
Before you can connect your Facebook Pixel ID, make sure you have created a Facebook Business Manager Account. Once the account has been created, yo...
Understanding the Site Title
The Site Title is what appears in search engines, as well as the top of the browser. Browser Tab  Search Engines In the above example, the Title of t...