Order History Page


This article walks through Order History, a place where you can see a log of all orders that have come in across pickup, delivery, and dine-in for your restaurant. 

To access this page, log into BentoBox and go to Online Ordering > MANAGE ORDERS > Order History. 

If you want to filter to a specific location, date range, or fulfillment type, you can do that at the top of the page. You can also use the Order Status and Refund Status filters to locate all active and completed orders.

You can use the Order Status and Refund Status filters to locate all active and completed orders.


Click on any order to view the order details and actions below.


If your BentoBox website also uses other eCommerce services, you can learn more about managing other store orders here. 

Order Details 

Clicking into any order and viewing details helps you to learn more about an order, change the status, and perform the following actions: 

  • The order number

  • View the guest’s contact details:

    • Name

    • Phone Number

    • Email

  • Table Number (dine-in only)

  • Print the order

  • Cancel the order

  • Issue a refund through Square or Stripe

  • View fulfillment information:

    • Date and time the order was placed

    • Date and time the order is due

  • Status of the order

  • The items included in the order - including quantity and price

  • View the order total - including tip (optional), any promo codes, and taxes

  • View notes from customer

  • Add internal (staff-only) notes to the order


Payments & Notes

The Payment status includes the last four digits of the credit or debit card used to purchase the order. To the right of that, you can use the link to open the order in Stripe or Square, depending on the payment processor linked in Integrations.

You can also process a full or partial refund if necessary.

Notes can be added internally by your staff (i.e. “called in to ask for extra ketchup”) or entered by your guest during checkout (i.e. “not too greasy with the veggie side, please!”) 

You can also see in this field if the order requires utensils and napkins. 
