User Settings & Logging in

User Privileges Overview
Within the BentoBox platform, admins have the ability to create and manage user accounts with limited feature permissions. This tutorial will walk thr...
How to add a user
Log into BentoBox. Go to the side panel, "Settings > Users". Click “ADD NEW” at the top right of your screen. Fill out necessary information. Select t...
User privileges sections in BentoBox
Within the BentoBox platform, admins have the ability to create and manage user accounts with limited permission for features on the platform. Admins ...
How to log into the backend
Logging in to the backend is easy. Just navigate to your site’s homepage, then add /bentobox to the end of the URL.    If your URL is
Adding users and assigning job titles & privileges
Log into BentoBox. Go to the side panel, "Settings > Users". Click “ADD NEW” at the top right of your screen. Fill out the necessary information. Choo...
How to reset your password
If you lost your password, don't fret! Resetting your password is easy. Go to the login screen of your restaurant Click "Forgot Password"  Put in the ...
How to switch between multiple accounts
If your business has more than one website on BentoBox, you can switch between them using the "Switch Accounts" option. At the top right corner of the...