How to cancel BentoBox subscription
FIrst of all, we're so sorry to hear that! If you're experiencing an issue, we would love to help resolve that. Please reach out to your Customer Succ...
How to update your billing information
To view and update the current plan and method of payment, log in to the backend and locate the Account Billing tab under Settings in the left-sid...
How to view and update point of contact and account billing information
Keep BentoBox updated on the best way to reach your business by updating the Point of Contact information in the Account  Billing settings of the B...
What happens if my credit card payment to BentoBox fails?
Our system will retry your card 3 times over a 10-day period and will send an automated email to the main contact each time. (Instructions on how to ...
Credit Card Expiration Notifications
What to do if you receive a credit card expiration banner: It is important to keep payment information up-to-date to ensure uninterrupted service. To ...