Takeout & Delivery: Tipping FAQ


Where can I set up tipping preferences for Takeout & Delivery?

Go to Online Ordering > Manage Menus > Locations > Edit location > Scroll down to tipping.


How does the “Accept Tips” toggle work?

  • Tipping can be turned on or off, and will apply to all order fulfillment options in Takeout & Delivery (pickup, delivery, and dine-in).

  • If you’re using Door-to-Door Delivery (our delivery fulfillment through DoorDash Drive), by contract, DoorDash Drive requires a 15% tip for the US (20% for Canada) to be the default selection at checkout. The diner does not have to choose the default 15% tip, however - they can choose their preferred tip amount, including no tip.

    • The tips for Door-to-Door Delivery go to the driver, not the business’s staff. If you’re using Door-to-Door Delivery, DoorDash Drive will invoice you at the end of every month for DoorDash Drive tips + the delivery order fees.

What if I have a “No Tipping” Policy?

  • You can toggle ‘Accept Tips’ off in the location settings.

  • If you’re using Door-to-Door Delivery for delivery, DoorDash Drive requires a 15% default tip to be pre-selected in checkout. If you have tips turned off on your Takeout & Delivery location, the 15% option will still be added at checkout (although your guests can still choose not to tip).


Is there a way to toggle off tipping for Pickup, but keep tipping ON for delivery, or vice-versa?

  • At this time, allowing different tip settings based on fulfillment is not possible.

How do I set the default tip that's pre-selected for guests at checkout? And, how do I set custom tip amounts?

Default tip: Select a tip amount to be preselected at checkout. This value can be changed by guests before purchase in the tipping settings. 

  • You can add up to 6 tip options. 

  • You may always toggle on/off these options in the tipping settings section 

  • Tip percentage defaults are 15%, 18%, 20%.

Allow Custom Tipping: whenever this toggle is on, diners can enter a custom percentile amount at checkout other than the preset values.

For Dine-in, In-House Delivery & Pickup: choose any of the percentage options in the dropdown selection. 


For DoorDash Drive: If you are using Door-to-Door Delivery, the default tip option at checkout will be 15% and you can’t select another default.   


What does tipping look like at checkout? 

A tip amount will be auto-calculated at checkout when choosing a percentage.


For a Takeout & Delivery customer using Relay, how do tips get passed to the courier?

Relay handles all billing directly with the restaurant, invoiced separately, similarly to DoorDash Drive.

Are tips taxed?

This varies per state and depends on whether the tipping is voluntary or involuntary.
In most states, gratuity is not taxed. Please refer to our Tax related articles for more information:

More on Door-to-Door Delivery tipping and invoicing: 

Who receives tips on Door-to-Door Delivery (DoorDash Drive) orders? 

The tips for Door-to-Door Delivery go to the driver, not the restaurant’s staff.

How does DoorDash Drive invoice for tips?

  • DoorDash Drive invoices for both delivery fees and tips on the same invoice. BentoBox sends DoorDash Drive the tip information at the same time we send them the order information, so no manual action on your part is needed to send DoorDash Drive the information it needs for invoicing.

  • DoorDash Drive will send a monthly invoice at the end of the month, which will include accrued delivery fees, tips, and any adjustments (money that DoorDash Drive has credited you for refunds). Unless you choose to cover part of your diners' delivery fees, diners will have the Bento Door-to-Door delivery fee added to their total at checkout. By default your diners pay 100% of the delivery fee. At the end of the month, whether or not you choose to cover part of the delivery fee, DoorDash Drive will invoice for the delivery fees for each order.

What if someone doesn't tip on an order--does the restaurant still have to pay a 15% tip to DoorDash Drive?

  • No. DoorDash Drive only invoices for the actual tips on Door-to-Door Delivery orders. 15% is the default for DoorDash Drive orders, but not required (a guest can choose to tip any of the available tip amounts at checkout for a delivery order, including 0%) - the restaurant is billed for what the diners actually tip.

  • So if someone leaves a 30% tip, it all goes to DoorDash Drive? It's not capped at 15%?

  • Yes, whatever tips are left on DoorDash Drive delivery orders go to DoorDash Drive.

The 15% is just the default selection when you land on the checkout page – it's not a requirement that it actually be a 15% tip.

Are diners notified that tips for Door-to-Door deliveries are going to DoorDash Drive and not the restaurant?

  • Not at this time. The business can add a note to the checkout instructions, which will appear during checkout under the 'delivery instructions' box for delivery:


    Customer experience: 


How do I see what my delivery fees are?

  • There isn’t a built-in way of doing this in the backend (yet), but you can always download an order export by items or by orders to identify your tips and fees.
    For more information visit: How to Download Orders vs. Items

  • How to export orders:  Go to your orders history page and choose your filtering preferences. Then click the "Export" button at the top. Depending on the file size, it will either download to your device or email you the results. 


    • Within the spreadsheet, you may view the tip amount and delivery fees like so: 


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